
Proper Name: Abyssus Leo
Conservation Status: Endangered
Location: -WIP-


Aurobori Bolero Choiseul Faire
Frigus Harlett Kinmorr
Lite Sanguis Tempest

Rogue Hellions


Hellions are an ancient, highly evolved species of felid Dragon. They can live and thrive in most climates, and their appearance differs depending on where they live.

They can live for a very long time, even centuries. They do not contract common sicknesses or diseases due to immensely powerful immune systems but are susceptible to some feline ailments and deformaties. They are not immortal, however, and do not have multiple lives like most other feline species.

They are an endangered species due to a lack of males to keep the population growing, and due to cross-breeding between various other species, pure blooded Hellions are at risk of extinction. This has caused unrest in some females of the species, desiring to have broods of pure-blooded males at their disposal to keep the population numbers up and the bloodlines pure.


Their build is delicate, but not lacking entirely their muscle mass. They still carry a rather large amount of power within their lithe bodies, the majority of which is held upon their thick spine. The spine arches up much more then many other felines because of all the muscles which stretch from there, both to power their wings (if they have them) and to help with the rest of their more scantily muscled bodices. Their necks are similar as it is an extension of the spine but not nearly as weighty as they need to be light for flight. It also arches a bit, and is extremely long for any type of feline. Females are almost always larger than their male counterparts.

To aid in flight they have semi-hollowed bones. Porous though not nearly as much as any bird, to avoid easy breaks but still help in weight loss. The protein structure of said bones are also built in such a way that the pores are barely an effect to how easily broken they are, much like any modern day bird.

They have average, square heads with long, pointed ears and large, round eyes that glow brightly, even in daylight. Their teeth structure is similar to that of an African Lion, but their upper canines are much longer, often protruding over the lower lip like the extinct Megantereon. These 'fangs' are highly durable, and can puncture flesh with ease.

Hellions have long legs ending in thick paws with a wide toe span, giving them the ability to grab small items without using their claws, though at times also giving them a rather ungraceful and cub-like appearance. They have retractable claws in the front and the back, something unique to the species and greatly different than other large cats, who lack the ability to retract on the back claws.

Their tails are quite long and thick with a rounded tip, similar to a Leopard. As with other cat species, it serves as a form of balance. Wings are a ruled by a dominant gene, so though most Hellions develop them, not all all of them do. Both bird wings and 'dragon' or bat wings can occur. Though bat wings are found to have a very thin veil of fur on the back side of them. Bird-like wings generally have fur mixed in with the feathers, perhaps for insulation.

The fur of a Hellion depends on the environment; they adapt to extreme heat and extreme cold if living in it for an extended period. Those that live in colder climates develop a thick top coat of fur to help stay warm, often seen as a tall ridge of fur, much like a Mohawk.

Both male and female Hellions can develop a sort of mane 'tuft', though males can also develop full manes on very rare occurrences. Hermaphrodite Hellions can also develop manes. The tuft is usually a very dark color, if not black, and is usually present as early as birth.

Hellions come in a wide array of colors, but it is almost always a dark, dull or faded color. Their fur color is generally inherited from either parent, or is a combination of both. They also have a long spatter of color running from the back of their neck down to their tail. The color of the marking is most often inherited from the father's fur color or match the cub's eye color, but can also be inherited from the mother's fur color (however much more uncommon). Pigment mutations (Albinism, Leucism, Erythrism & "Maltese") are more common than other creatures, but still relatively uncommon.


Hellions, due to their Dragon heritage tend to be loners, though many prefer to collect in small groups of their own kind or other species. Despite this, as highly intelligent critical thinkers they make excellent pride leaders.

Blood lust and a desire for causing chaos runs deep in their veins; they excel in combat and enjoy sparring with others of their kind. Some are fierce and hateful towards mixed bloods of any kind and see them as 'dirty'.

Due to the deficiency of males, females will often form homosexual relationships with others of their kind, often a dominant female taking in a submissive female.

Hellions have an aura about them that makes them appear outwardly charming to non-Hellions. They can and often use this to their advantage for various reasons and enjoy doing so.

Hellions also have a strong affection for hoarding precious gems, gold, or anything considered valuable. Often their nests are made up of huge mounds of gold coins or gemstones.



Hellions come in two main variaties: 'Blacknose' and 'Colornose'. The Blacknoses, as their name denotes, have black noses and follow color traits like Phantasmagoria Aurobori(Above Eye/Belly the same color and lighter than the Pelt, Below Eye/Inner Ear/Tail Tip the same color and lighter or darker than the Pelt).
The Colornoses have non-Black noses, which is generally the same color as their Under Eye color. They follow traits like Freesia Faire (Above Eye/Belly/Inner Ear all the same color and lighter than the pelt, Under Eye/Tail Tip/Nose all the same color and generally darker than the Pelt).


Despite the opinion of most Hellions to remain pure as their own species, some have taken to cross-breeding with other species in order to create stronger, more powerful offspring. The most prominant inter-species matings occur between Hellions and Blood Beasts, creating what are known as Hellbeasts. Much like Ligers (hybrids created from cross-breeding a male Lion with a female Tiger), Hellbeasts grow to enormous proportions, as well as inherit all the strengths of both parent species with none of the weaknesses. Their fur palettes are extremely volitile, creating a wide array of color and marking combinations.


Melanism is essentially non-existant within the Hellion species, but four other pigment abnormalities have been seen: Albinism (Pale, almost white with brightened marking and eye colors), Leucism (paler than normal but not nearly as pale as Albinos, with pale markings/eyes and dark pink noses), Erythrism (completely red hues) & "Maltese" (completely blue hues). Leucism is the most common of these anomalies, with 10% of all Hellions exhibiting this trait. Albinism & Erythrism account for 5%, and "Maltese" accounts for 2%. All color morphs are genetic and possible to be inherited but both parents must be carriers of the gene for the cubs to be possible of exhibiting them.



This sub-species of Hellions have adapted to live in extremely cold climates. Both males and females have thick, double layered coats (the undercoat is also waterproof), short ears and extra tufts of fur on their backs and legs to keep them warm in the frigid temperatures. Their colors tend to favor hues of blues and violets, including their eyes and markings. Their paws are like that of a Snow Leopard, working like snow shoes and allowing them to easily walk on top of snow banks.

Examples: Frigus Family


This sub-species of Hellions have adapted to live in densely wooded areas, taking to living in the trees. Both males and females are slightly smaller in body than average, have short, thin coats, long, tufted ears and long, thin tails. They have evolved beyond the need for wings, as flight would be impossible amongst the trees. Their colors tend to favor hues of browns and greens, and their eyes are usually shades of greens and yellows. They are expert climbers much like Leopards, and their paws have extra long, sharp and durable claws to help them grip the trees they live in.

Examples: Arctos & Classix Maliceux


This sub-species of Hellions have adapted to live in extremely hot climates. Males have very short manes and females generally have none; less fur means less heat being kept close to the body. They have thin, loose coats that let air flow through the fur easily to keep them cool and are generally shades of dark grays and reds. They have very high tolerance to heat, including fire and even lava, however they are not immune to the effects and can succumb to severe burns or even death if enveloped in such for too long.

Examples: Bolero Family


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