{:: BASICS ::}

Proper Name: soup
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Location: Mercer Archipelago



Rogue Ivalicians

{:: GENERAL ::}




{:: BEHAVIOR ::}




Color Mutations
There are four known mutations that an Ivalician Lion can experience. Leucism, Albinism, Melanism, and Erythrism. This is in order of least rare to most rare, but any mutation is still incredibly rare, making the most rare mutation much more rare than it would be for any other species. What's even more unique about this species and the mutations it experiences, is that there are no known deciding factors in what Ivalician Lion gets a mutation. While you can find in other species a genetic code that determins the likelihood of the next generation gaining that mutation, there is no such deciding fator in Ivalicians. It is entirely by chance.
In order of rarity, from least rare to most rare.
The least rare of the mutations in Ivalician Lions is Leucism. These Ivalicians are light in color, but not completely white. Take their normal colors and make them near white for an idea of what they would look like. They have blue eyes, but their vision is not poor. Their noses, paw pads, and ears remain their usual non-leucistic colors. They are often poor hunters and sore to sunlight. One in every twenty Ivalicians has a random 50/50 chance of being Leucistic.
Example of an adult Leucistic male.
Unlike Leucistic Ivalicians, Albino Ivalicians are entirely white except for their nose and eyes. The nose is pink and the eyes are red (sometimes pink). These Ivalicians are incredibly sensitive to the sunlight. Even full moons can effect them. Their eyes are hypersensitive and as they age, their vision will become poor. Some even go blind. Reduced exposure to light will help slow vision problems down. One in every thirty Ivalicians has a random 50/50 chance of being Albino.
Example of an adult Albino male.
This is the second rarest possible mutation for Ivalician Lions. They are dark colored - gray and black - based off of their normal colors. The only portion of their body which remains the same as their usual colors are their eyes. Eyes do not change in melanistic Ivalicians. One in every forty Ivalicians has a random 50/50 chance of being Melantistic.
Example of an adult Melanistic male.
The rarest of the rare in Ivalician mutations. Their usual colors are turned shades of red and red-brown or red-orange, dark in color (so no bright reds, except for the eyes). Eyes turn bright or dark red. It's hard to tell when an Erythristic Ivalician Lion is pure or not based solely on appearances. One in every fifty Ivalicians has a random 50/50 chance of being Erythristic.
Example of an adult Erythristic male.
Build Mutations
Ivalicians have very few bodily mutations, such as small feathers or full grown wings. This covers the various bodily mutations that an Ivalician may gain. Keep in mind that these are incredibly rare. Every fifteen Ivalicians has a 5% of gaining wings, and a 20% of gaining small feathers. The following will guide you on their use and why they exist on Ivalicians in the first place.
Small Feathers


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